Thursday, October 8, 2009

The top five nutrients for healthy skin

The skin is one of the most powerful indicators of health. Wrinkles, dry or oily skin, acne, and inflammation all are signs of poor internal health, often brought on by consuming unhealthful foods and avoiding skin-healthy nutrients. To treat skin problems, most people turn to mainstream topical cosmetics, including lotions, soaps, scrubs, toners, and creams. However, treating outer blemishes with expensive, chemical-laden beauty products does little to address the root cause of the problem: poornutrition and exposure to toxins in dietary and personal care products."Your skin is the fingerprint of what is going on inside your body, and all skin conditions, from psoriasis to acne toaging, are the manifestations of your body's internal needs, including its nutritional needs," says Dr. Georgiana Donadio, founder of the National Institute of Whole Health.Recent research has shown that the skin reacts particularly well to certain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that nourish the skin, making it appear youthful and healthy. The following nutrients are among the very best to consume for healthy, young-looking skin:Silica:Silica is a trace mineral that strengthens the body's connective tissues - muscles, tendons, hair, ligaments, nails, cartilage, and bone - and is vital for healthy skin. Silica deficiency can result in reduced skin elasticity and can hamper the body's ability to heal wounds. Food sources of silica include leeks, green beans, garbanzo beans, strawberries, cucumber, mango, celery, asparagusand rhubarb. In its natural form, silica is found in the horsetail herb. Silica is also available as a concentrated liquid supplement from Eidon Ionic Minerals ( The mineral zinc is an important component of healthy skin, especially for acne sufferers. In fact, acne itself may be a symptom of zinc deficiency. Zinc acts by controlling the production of oil in the skin, and may also help control some of the hormones that create acne. Zinc is also required for proper immune system function, as well as for the maintenance of vision, taste, and smell. Zinc consumption is also strongly linked to a reduction of prostate cancer.Foods rich in zinc include fresh oysters, pumpkin seeds, ginger, pecans, Brazil nuts, oats, and eggs. Zinc can be purchased in supplement form, in both liquid concentrates and tablets.Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Dry, inflamed skin or skin that suffers from the frequent appearance of whiteheads or blackheads can benefit from supplementing with essential fatty acids (EFAs), especially omega-3s. EFAs are responsible for skin repair, moisture content, and overall flexibility, but because the body cannot produce its own EFAs, they must be obtained through the diet.The typical American diet is overabundant in omega-6 fatty acids found in baked goods and grains, and lacking in omega-3s, found in cold-water fish such as salmon and mackerel, as well as flaxseeds and safflower oil. Simply balancing the intake of omega-3s with omega-6s can result in smoother, younger-looking skin. EFAs are also available in supplement form - such as fish oil capsules or evening primrose oil - and are effective at treating a wide range of disorders, from depression and cancer to arthritis and heart disease. Good sources of omega-3 oils include chiaseeds, flax seeds and, for non-vegetarians, wild-harvested fish oils. A reputable supplier of fish oils is Nordic Naturals (

Eating Together As A Family Creates Better Eating Habits Later In Life

ScienceDaily (Sep. 4, 2007) — Eating together as a family during adolescence is associated with lasting positive effects on dietary quality in young adulthood, according to researchers at the University of Minnesota.
More than 1,500 students were surveyed once during high school and again when they were 20 years old to determine the long-term effects of family meals on diet quality, social eating, meal structure and meal frequency. Participants were asked questions such as how often they ate family meals, how much they enjoyed sitting down to a meal with family or friends, if they had a tendency to eat on the run and how often they ate breakfast, lunch and dinner.
The researchers found eating family meals together during adolescence resulted in adults who ate more fruit, dark-green and orange vegetables and key nutrients, and drank less soft drinks. Frequency of family meals predicted females would eat breakfast as adults. For both sexes, frequency of family meals as adolescents predicted eating dinner more frequently as adults, placing a higher priority on structured meals and a higher priority on social eating.
For women, eating together as a family more often during adolescence meant significantly higher daily intakes as adults of calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6 and fiber. Among males, eating as a family more during adolescence predicted higher intakes of calcium, magnesium, potassium and fiber as adults.
"Results of this study suggest that having more family meals during adolescence is associated with improved diet quality during young adulthood," the researchers say. "Food and nutrition professionals should encourage families to share meals as often as practically possible."

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Health and Physical Fitness

Health and physical activity tips including information on men's and women's health and wellness including advanced nutritional products for the immune system, joint health, weight loss and general health. All five components of fitness and health: strength training, weight management, cardiovascular exercise, nutrition, and flexibility training are discussed in the Online Muscle Fitness section of the site. The Top 20 Lessons For Living Longer
By: Sean Barker
You are probably sick of hearing "new" studies telling you to do this or eat that to live longer and feel like you did in your twenties.
Despite all the medical advances available today, the most effective and the most practical advice to living a long and healthy life can be found in our past.
Here are the top twenty time-tested healthy habits that have survived for centuries to increase the quantity and quality of our life.

Women's Health Information

The Women's Information and Health Center of B'nei Brak is a social engineer in women's health. Through exclusive access to the Internet in an otherwise unplugged society, we forge distribution channels between modern medicine and sequestered religious women. We work within strict rabbinic mandates to service the dignity of our clientèle, while counteracting pervasive social ignorance. Through direct collaborations with top health-care providers, hospital staff, and the volunteer network of Agudah Women, we educate to promote health, prevent disease, and legitimize women's right to quality health care within the ultra-orthodox communities of Israel.

Establish an exercise routine (that you enjoy!)

Staying active will help you develop a strong body that looks and feels good as you age. It can lower your risk for disease, reduce stress and protect your bones and joints. So it's important to take part in physical activities that are not only challenging, but also fun and motivating. Keep things interesting by mixing it up; whether it's a dance class or a kayaking trip, don't be afraid to try something new.CBS's NCIS co-star Cote de Pablo stays in shape by doing a combination of core training and yoga four or five times a week. "I try to find time either in the morning before work or after. I definitely work out on the weekend, because it's the only time I'm sure I won't be working.

Protect your skin

You're never too young to start taking care of your skin. Healthy habits today will pay off in later years. The key to healthy skin lies beyond which soap you use. It depends on what you eat, whether you exercise, how much stress you're under and even the kind of environment in which you live and work. Eating a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, wearing sunscreen and getting regular body scans by a dermatologist can keep you looking young and feeling good as you age.

Women Health Care

Women health care takes a back seat. Instead health care for women needs extra nutrition and care. Diseases that are common are anemia, anxiety, depression, osteoporosis, migraine, weight gain and weakness.There are various womens health magazines and womens health websites giving a number of health tips for women. Women's health care improves a lot if they follow simple and easy health tips for women.

Health Tips for Women

Do you find it hard to balance your work and family? Have you thought of taking a much-needed break? Its medically proven women are more prone to health risks than men. Women health needs extra care and attention. Full-time job, meeting office targets, family responsibilities and household chores take its toll on women. Many a times it's hard for women's to juggle and strike a balance between their personal and professional life. Amidst all hard work, family responsibilities and hormonal changes like pregnancy, women's health menopause; women rarely get the time to give personal attention to their health and wellness.

Back Pain During Pregnancy

This is a normal thing to have bad back pain during pregnancy, but it does not matter how “normal”, they call it, you feel miserable! There is some good news and some bad news. The good news is that you can reduce back pain during pregnancy, as well as the bad news is that he [...]
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Millions of American Children Are Vitamin D Deficient

It’s called the sunshine vitamin because given a sufficient amount of sunlight the human body manufactures vitamin D, which has long been known to be essential to bone and muscle health by aiding calcium absorption in the intestines and the production of enzymes involved in collagen formation in the bones. But more recent research has found receptors for vitamin D in almost every organ and tissue system in the body, suggesting that deficiencies may affect many types of cell functions and increase the risk of not only osteoporosis but many other diseases. Ten to fifteen minutes of sunshine 3 times a week is enough to produce the body’s requirement of this cheery nutrient, but apparently that is easier said than done—even for the nation’s youngsters.Two new studies designed to assess the possible effects of low vitamin D levels on cardiovascular risk factors in young Americans uncovered some very disturbing facts. For example, one analysis showed that overall 7 out of 10 American children are not getting the vitamin D they need. About 7.6 million (9 percent) children, adolescents and young adults aged 1 through 21 are vitamin D deficient, with blood levels under 15 nanograms per milliliter. An additional 50.8 million (61 percent) have slightly higher levels, at between 15 and 29 nanograms per milliliter, but still low enough to be insufficient. “It’s astounding,” said the study’s lead, Dr. Michal L. Melamed of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. “At first, we couldn’t believe the numbers. I think it’s very worrisome.”

Skin Care: Facial Steaming

Our search for a more youthful appearance seems a constant quest, and how ironic that we find answers in practices from ancient times. For instance, using steam to cleanse the body dates back to Roman times when baths featuring a combination of steaming, cleaning, and massage appeared wherever the Romans made conquests. In our more modern times, steaming is used as part of a beauty salon facial.Facial steaming has many benefits:• Opens your pores• Removes dead skin cells• Improves circulation• Allows for deep cleansing• Is helpful for acne and blackheadsFacial steaming can be done on a weekly basis as part of your beauty routine and is an excellent precursor for your facial mask.Reaping all the benefits, without the high cost of a beauty salon treatment, you can easily perform the steam at home. All you need is your face, cleanser, a pot, water, and a large towel.1. Remove make up and cleanse your face using soap and water or your preferred cleanser. Gently pat skin dry after rinsing.2. Fill pot with approximately three cups of water and bring to boil.3. Transfer the water to a shallow wide bowl.4. Keeping your face at least one foot away from the steam, place the towel over your head to form a tent around your head and the bowl of water. The steam should feel warm and soothing-NOT HOT! If the steam is too hot or you are uncomfortable at any time, STOP IMMEDIATELY!5. Remain under the towel for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with cool water to close and tighten your pores.6. Follow with a facial mask or a light moisturizer.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Tummy Exercise Myth

The problem with tummy muscles is that we do not generally exercise this muscle in daily life. It is not greatly challenged from climbing stairs, bending, stretching or walking. We, therefore, have to make a special effort to encourage it to come back into line. The movements have to be small and controlled and depend on the effort put in by the exerciser to get really good results. Secondly during pregnancy, as the baby grows inside the muscle (transverse) is pushed forward. A huge amount of stretching is going on and tends to leave the muscle loose and hanging forward after the birth. It is essentially the lack of strength left in this muscle which allows the tummy to sit in that rather round forward position Mothers would recognise from after birth.In all cases it is the lack of exercise for this muscle which causes it to become loose and give the 'pot bellied' appearance.
Myth No. 1: By doing some midsection exercises one can reduce 'love handles'. Fact: You cannot reduce fat from a certain targeted area of your body just by using exercise alone. And the abdominal area is no exception. So if you want to get a flat stomach and to reveal your abs, losing the fat covering them is the way to go. And the only way to do this is to lose fat proportionately from your entire body by burning more calories than you consume. Myth No. 2: You have to do tons of crunches.

Friday, July 31, 2009

How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy

After nine months of pregnancy one problem is face womens extra weight that have gained in nine months.Most of womens wants to lose their weight after pergnancy but it is not easy task.You want to be original figure it would also take a few months being paitent.First if you are breastfeeding you should aslo need extra calories.The calories aslo available in fruits and vegetables then oil and fat food.You should also regular exercise is best way to weight loss.Do not start an exercise program after two days giveing birth to your baby.Major changes are also in your body and you need to give it some time.It is believed that breastfeeding can help a woman shed those extra kilos, after pregnancy. So, make sure to breastfeed your baby on a regular basis. However, this alone would not help you lose all of the pregnancy weight. You need to combine it with other types of weight-loss activities, such as a healthy diet and a proper exercise program.One activities that you can start a few days after your delivery.It is advisable to stick to 10 or 15 minutes of light walk.Gradually, you can increase the time as well as intensity, taking it to no less than 45 minutes of brisk walking, on a daily basis.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Change your eating Habits and loose weights

Do easy ways to lose weight exist? Everyone knows that diet, lowering caloric intake, and exercise, increasing the number of calories you burn, combine into a formula for losing weight. But sticking to the diet is the hard part. It won’t be easy, but with a little work it sure is easier. Here are some tips to make it easier. Keep a daily log of everything that passes your lips. Writing down everything you eat and drink, even water, will help you eat less. Studies show that people who keep track of what they eat end up eating 15% less. That’s significant. On average Americans consume 245 calories a day from drinks. Switch from juice, soda, and other calorie drinks to water. 245 calories a day is nearly 90,000 calories in the course of a year. That’s 25 pounds. Water isn’t that bad, is it? Keep in mind too that juice and soda don’t trigger a feeling of fullness, despite their calories. Eat five or six smaller meals a day instead of three large meals a day. Eating more meals with smaller portions results in eating 30% fewer calories. Furthermore, even the same number of calories eaten in smaller portions during more frequent meals can result in weight loss. You’re less likely to binge because the body releases less insulin. Make sure your wardrobe only includes the ’skinny’ clothes. If you don’t have clothes that are comfortable when you’re heavier, you’re more likely to be reminded to keep slim every time you dress. And if you have to purchase a whole new wardrobe you’re less likely to gain weight. Use smaller plates. It’s proven that people eat what’s in front of them. Use the salad plates instead of dinner plates. Similar to the idea of using smaller plates, serve your food on the plate rather than in bowls on the table. When the plate is empty the meal is over, instead of spooning another portion onto your plate. Don’t eat white bread, sugar or white rice. Those foods are loaded with carbohydrates which lead to higher blood sugar and weight gain. Do eat whole grain breads and brown rice. Don’t be concerned with the sugar, pretty soon you won’t miss it. Weight loss isn’t easy, but relatively speaking there are easy ways to lose weight. Don’t think it won’t take a little work. If weight loss were easy everyone would be slim all the time.

How to Reduce Wrinkles and Look Younger

By: Roberto Bell
Would you like to reduce those worrisome fine lines on your face and look youthful again? Here are some helpful tips.As you get up there in years, certain problems are going to crop up and one of them is wrinkles. They can show up around your eyes, forehead, cheeks and neck. You can get rather depressed when you look into a mirror. Take heart, there are answers.Maybe you cannot stop time from marching on, but you can reduce the signs of the aging process and look better than ever. Here is what happens and some suggestions to follow.
Why Do You Develop Wrinkles?
As a person ages, the skin undergoes significant changes. The inner layer of the skin begins to thin and the cells begin to divide more slowly.
Fat cells begin to lessen or die beneath the dermis.The network of collagen fibers and elastin which provide a sort of scaffolding for the surface layer begin to loosen and unravel. Skin then loses its elasticity. It tends to droop and forms furrows.The oil secreting and sweat glands atrophy, and the skin cannot retain its moisture.
Therefore, it becomes dry and scaly. Constant facial expressions form characteristic lines. Gravity makes the situation worse and contributes to the formation of drooping eyelids and jowls. Also, eyebrows tend to move up as someone ages perhaps because of forehead wrinkles and the skin has less of an ability to repair itself so wounds heal more slowly.
There are other forces at play that can make your skin suffer, such as :1. The sun damages collagen fibers and causes an accumulation of abnormal elastin. Metalloproteinases, or enzymes, are produced that are able to repair most of the damage, however, it is this repetition of the rebuilding process that is done over and over again that causes skin problems.2. The sun's UV radiation promotes oxidation. This also leads to the development of skin abnormalities.3. Cigarette smoking causes the thickening and fragmentation of elastin, reduces circulation and the amount of oxygen that is supplied to the skin, and leads to less Collagen formation and reduced water content in the skin. Lastly, smoking compromises the ability of the skin to fend off free radicals causing cell destruction.4. Air pollution – Ozone may be a problem for the skin.
It may cause depletion of Vitamin E in the skin which is a vital antioxidant.5. Rapid weight loss – This can cause fine lines since it reduces the volume of fat cells which cushion the face. This will cause the skin to sag.6. Heredity – You may have inherited some skin characteristics from your parents.Wrinkles are the most noticable signs of aging. As tissues sag, these lines form a type of canvas that is covered with cracks that have varying depths. As time marches on, they deepen and reach the dermis. As the dermis loses its elasticity, it becomes slack which leads to the formation of more pronounced wrinkles over 0.05 mm in depth.Here is the normal progression of wrinkles characterized by age group:20-25 – Vertical wrinkles on one's forehead and even between the eyebrows may already be visible. Fine lines at the external edges of the eyes are not yet noticeable.25-40 – In the epidermis, wrinkles begin to deepen.
They are less than 0.0005 mm in depth. They are caused by the superficial drying out of one's skin as well as the slowing down of cellular renewal.40-50 – Fine lines around the lips, crow's feet, furrows alongside of the nose and the line between the eyebrows are all beginning to deepen. The skin loses it elasticity and the facial contours are not less well defined.50 and over – Hormonal secretions end as menopause appears and this speeds up the aging process. The skin's surface begins to modify and intermediary lines are replaced by ever deepening furrows.The older you become, the more wrinkles you get. You can minimize this damage by taking good care of your skin.Anti Aging Skin Care Treatments: here are a few promising treatments for sagging skin. There are some new wrinkle creams and topical lotions, like Avotone or Revitol, that contain natural ingredients that may help lessen this problem. For example:1. Argireline - this is a safer alternative to Botox. It is not derived from any poisonous substance, but from naturally occurring amino acids. This element relaxes facial tension because it is able to reduce the excessive release of neurotransmitters which are also known as catecholamines. These make your facial muscles become tense. If your muscles are not tense, they do not contribute to wrinkles. Also, it may slow down the degeneration of elastin and collagen which normally occurs with aging.2. Dermox SRC - this is a specially tested serum that helps to control wrinkles, increases the synthesis of collagen, and restores the skin's surface.3. DMAE - it has been indicated that this antioxidant is able to function as a cell membrane stabilizing agent. It reinforces the skin's foundation of elastin and collagen, makes cells live longer, and helps avoid cell dehydration. It may also assist in the healing of scars, which includes acne scars, and helps to flush out excessive lipofuscin from skin cells reducing age spots.How Can You Minimize Fine Lines and Wrinkles?There are many things you can do to reduce the wrinkles that you already have and minimize future occurences. These include:Stay out of the sunAvoid smokingUse a very good topical anti-wrinkle creamDrink plenty of waterEat plenty of vegetables and fruitsExerciseBy following these steps regularly, you will be taking important actions to help maintain a youthful appearance while reducing the onset of aging skin.

Dark Circles Under Eyes to Turn into Shining Bright Eyes

Dark circles under eyes immediately start disappearing turning them into shining bright eyes as the eyebrows get raised naturally and lift the eyelids further up and lock them there.
The skin under the eye is thinner than the rest of the skin around. Hence the veins under it give it a blue tinge appearing as dark circles there.
Also the skin under the eye is affected more by the sun tanning.
Rubbing or scratching the eye darkens the skin under the eyes as well.
Medications causing the blood vessels to dilate also pronounce these dark patches.
Lack of nutrition discolors this area too.
Lack of sleep or excessive fatigue turns skin pale and shows these dark patches more.
Pregnancy and menstruation also accentuate the dark under eye circles.
Age sags the skin, drooping the eyelids and generating bags over there. The dark circles start showing even more than before.
But the way we have been going through our previous posts not only lifts-up the drooping eyelids, removes the excess eyelid skin along with the excess fat-tissue, removes dark circles under eyes, and turns back the eyelids that have gone turned-in or turned-out; but also gets a total facelift for you without going for an anti aging eye cream or an anti wrinkle eye cream, or any surgical procedure.Just open your eyes FULL in their TOTAL WIDTH by putting a slight smile on your lips, and you will have got the two bright eyes on your face!And then this only is the right way you should always open your eyes in while you are awake.
If you are really interested in and really curious about whatever you are looking at, it automatically happens so.We do need looking into this interest and curiosity thing further in its depth and we’ll certainly come out with many more pearls of biological wisdom from there.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Weight Loss Just By Drinking Water

Make A Successful Weight Loss Just By Drinking Water - Maybe The Easiest Weight Loss Method
Well, you may have heard it before - you can lose weight just by drinking pure plain water. Do you think it is like that? Yes, it is, you can lose weight just by drinking water. I will explain why it is so.
There are studies that show that just by drinking water your metabolism will increase with up to 30 percentages. That is quite impressive, isn't it? To make your weight loss possible you need to drink eight glasses of water every day, and if you have lots of overweight you need to drink a few glasses more. If you live in a warm climate or if you exercise very intensive you need to drink more than the eight glasses. You maybe think that eight glasses is much water to drink, but you shouldn't drink it at the same time; instead you need to spread it out throughout the day.
Drinking water is not only great for your weight loss. Just by drinking lots of water you will look better because and your skin will become more glowing. Your muscles will work more effective when you exercise which will lead to a better shaped body.
A few tips about how you should act when you decide to lose weight just by drinking water:

Start every morning with a glass of water.
Drink a glass of water before every meal.
Drink lukewarm water, it may be easier to drink lots of water when it isn't cold.
Add a slice of lemon if you don't like the taste of the water.
Avoid drinking just before you go to bed.
Drinking water is a cheap and very effective way to lose weight, but often you need to add some diet and exercise to make your weight loss effective.

Chronic Back Pain and Some great Ideas

If a pain recurs and lasts for more than three to four months, it is a chronic back pain. Generally, back pain is obvious. Our spine is the centre point of major bundles of nerves and hence, pains are common in this area even by a slight twist or bend during the normal course. A normal pain subsides in itself. However, if the pain does not subside for a long time and when it gets stimulated with every small movement, it means that the pain is chronic and needs immediate attention. Now let us see how to deal with chronic backaches successfully.
What To Do When Confronted With Back Attacks?
Unlike common backaches, severe pains are more serious and definitely need to be treated under the supervision of an experienced doctor. Nevertheless, if it is very difficult to bear the pain till you visit your doctor, you should know how to deal with such situations. People suffering from severe backache usually find it difficult to sleep. Improper sleep will only add more stress to the backache. Hence, the right way to sleep during back pains putting least stress on the spine is to sleep on your side with your knees bending at a 90-degree angle, or to sleep on your back by placing a pillow beneath your knees. You can try some anti-inflammatory medicines to get some temporary relief from the pain. However, all these techniques are only for managing the situation temporarily and for a permanent cure of a backache, you should immediately consult your doctor.
Magnetic Therapy - A Best Remedy For Chronic Pains
Magnetic therapy is a kind of treatment in which a magnetic pad is provided to the patient to place it at the area of pain in order to gain relief. These pads are also recommended to be used as mattresses and by sleeping on them; the patient can get permanent relief from his backpain. Usually during an injury, the affected area gets inflamed and it creates an imbalance at the cellular level in its sodium and potassium ion concentrations. Hence, magnetic therapy helps to rebalance the electromagnetic ion concentrations efficiently, thus healing the condition more speedily and effectively. It not only restores mobility but also enhances flexibility and minimizes the chances of muscle spasms.
The above stated tips are some of the common tips to cope with your severe backache problems. However, the most important thing that people suffering from back pains should know is to avoid lengthy bed rests. Although bed rest is important, it should be minimized or avoided as far as possible. Bed rest only delays the rehabilitation process. However, you can do some simple exercises without injuring your back and strengthen your back muscles to speed up the chronic back pain healing process.
Be it a lower or a severe upper back pain, if it does not subside and persists, it can be a chronic back pain. Know from here what a magnetic therapy is and how useful is it in dealing with severe back pain and what makes it the best back pain cure in chronic ailments. For more information visit severe back pain.

How to Drink More Water Every Day

Water is the most needed chemical compound of our body. Without the daily necessary amount of water our body functions would be forced to shut down. The human body is anywhere from 55% to 78% water depending on body size. To function properly, the body requires between one and seven liters of water per day to avoid dehydration; the precise amount depends on the level of activity, temperature, humidity, and other factors. Most of this is ingested through foods or beverages other than drinking straight water. It is not clear how much water intake is needed by healthy people, though most advocates agree that 6–7 glasses of water (approximately 2 litres) daily is the minimum to maintain proper hydration. Medical literature favors a lower consumption, typically 1 liter of water for an average male, excluding extra requirements due to fluid loss from exercise or warm weather. For those who have healthy kidneys, it is rather difficult to drink too much water, but (especially in warm humid weather and while exercising) it is dangerous to drink too little. People can drink far more water than necessary while exercising, however, putting them at risk of water intoxication (hyperhydration), which can be fatal. The "fact" that a person should consume eight glasses of water per day cannot be traced back to a scientific source. There are other myths such as the effect of water on weight loss and constipation that have been dispelled.
Determine how much water you need. You've probably heard the "8 by 8" rule - drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day (2 quarts, 1.8 liters) - but the amount of water a person needs varies depending on his or her weight and activity level. Another way to determine your specific recommended water intake is to divide your weight (in pounds) by two. The resulting number is the number of ounces of water you need each day. For example, if you weigh 150 lbs., strive to drink 75 ounces of water daily. For those who use the Metric system, divide your weight (in kilograms) by 30 (ex. somebody weighing 70 kg is going to need 2.3 liters per day). Keep in mind that these recommended intake numbers are controversial and some experts believe they are a gross exaggeration. See "warnings" below for more information.
Signs of Dehydration. You lose water through urination, respiration, and by sweating. If you are very active, you lose more water than if you are sedentary. Diuretics such as caffeine pills and alcohol result in the need to drink more water because they trick your body into thinking you have more water than we need. Symptoms of mild dehydration include chronic pains in joints and muscles,lower back pain, headaches and constipation. A strong odor to your urine, along with a yellow or amber color indicates that you may not be getting enough water. Note that riboflavin, a B Vitamin, will make your urine bright yellow. Thirst is an obvious sign of dehydration and in fact, you need water long before you feel thirsty.
Dangers of Too Much Water. Don't start drinking an extra gallon of water a day - that can kill you, especially if you are fasting or eating very little. Water taken in must be in balance with body salt - electrolytes. The body needs to maintain salt balance or risk hyponatremia with heart attack and even death. Drinking too much water dilutes the salt in your blood and tissues - and can kill you. Healthy athletes have died from drinking too much plain water and not replacing salt. Dieters should not plunge into drinking gallons of water a day in hopes of burning a few more calories. Drink an extra few glasses, yes. But a gallon is too much.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Miracle of Green Tea

Is any other food or drink reported to have as many health benefits as green tea? The Chinese have known about the medicinal benefits of green tea since ancient times, using it to treat everything from headaches to depression. In her book Green Tea: The Natural Secret for a Healthier Life, Nadine Taylor states that green tea has been used as a medicine in China for at least 4,000 years.
Today, scientific research in both Asia and the west is providing hard evidence for the health benefits long associated with drinking green tea. For example, in 1994 the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of an epidemiological study indicating that drinking green tea reduced the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by nearly sixty percent. University of Purdue researchers recently concluded that a compound in green tea inhibits the growth of cancer cells. There is also research indicating that drinking green tea lowers total cholesterol levels, as well as improving the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol to bad (LDL) cholesterol.
To sum up, here are just a few medical conditions in which drinking green tea is reputed to be helpful:
* cancer
* rheumatoid arthritis
* high cholesterol levels
* cariovascular disease
* infection
* impaired immune function
What makes green tea so special?
The secret of green tea lies in the fact it is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant: besides inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It has also been effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, and inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood clots. The latter takes on added importance when you consider that thrombosis (the formation of abnormal blood clots) is the leading cause of heart attacks and stroke.
Links are being made between the effects of drinking green tea and the "French Paradox." For years, researchers were puzzled by the fact that, despite consuming a diet rich in fat, the French have a lower incidence of heart disease than Americans. The answer was found to lie in red wine, which contains resveratrol, a polyphenol that limits the negative effects of smoking and a fatty diet. In a 1997 study, researchers from the University of Kansas determined that EGCG is twice as powerful as resveratrol, which may explain why the rate of heart disease among Japanese men is quite low, even though approximately seventy-five percent are smokers.
Why don't other Chinese teas have similar health-giving properties? Green, oolong, and black teas all come from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. What sets green tea apart is the way it is processed. Green tea leaves are steamed, which prevents the EGCG compound from being oxidized. By contrast, black and oolong tea leaves are made from fermented leaves, which results in the EGCG being converted into other compounds that are not nearly as effective in preventing and fighting various diseases.
Other Benefits
New evidence is emerging that green tea can even help dieters. In November, 1999, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published the results of a study at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. Researchers found that men who were given a combination of caffeine and green tea extract burned more calories than those given only caffeine or a placebo.
Green tea can even help prevent tooth decay! Just as its bacteria-destroying abilities can help prevent food poisoning, it can also kill the bacteria that causes dental plaque. Meanwhile, skin preparations containing green tea - from deodorants to creams - are starting to appear on the market.

The Best Moisturizers Revealed For Dry Skin

Dry skin cannot be ignored. Dry skin leads to cracking of the upper layer of skin and gives it a real bad appearance. The primary reasons for dry skin are: living in a dry climate, sudden hormonal changes, excessive exfoliation and the treatment of other skin problems. In some cases, dry skin may be inherited; however there is a solution to this problem. Moisturizing your skin is often the first weapon against fighting dry skin. Moisturizers basically fall into two classifications, which are based upon how they attack dry skin.
One type of classification of moisturizers is those that attempt to preserve the moisture that is already contained within the skin. Moisturizers of this type are usually very cheap and can be easily purchased at local drug stores or even at supermarkets.
The second category includes moisturizers that work by drawing moisture from the environment and supplying it to the skin. This is a very effective way of dry skin care in humid conditions.
Humectants are the special type of moisturizers that are from the family of non greasy skin care treatments. Better humectants are comprised of ingredients such as propylene glycol, urea and glycerin.
Simply applying a moisturizer for dry skin care is not enough. It is also critical that you use the product properly. In general, it is considered a best practice to completely cleanse the skin surface before applying the moisturizing product. Applying moisturizer to your skin while it is still damp will increase the effectiveness of your dry skin product. When it comes to moisturizing your arms, face and neck, be sure to avoid heavy soap products, as they tend to accelerate the process of drying out your skin. Light exfoliation can be beneficial for those with dry skin as it removes the coarse, dead skin cells that add to over all dryness.
Author : R K Reid

Skin Care Tips For Anti Aging

Anti age skin care treatments are usually concentrated with vitamin C. The Vitamin C works in conjunction with structural proteins found in the skin naturally, known as collagens. Collagens work as anti aging agents by helping the skin to create anti-oxidants. However, these types of anti-oxidants must be used with care as they have the possibility of becoming oxidized as well due to their contact with environmental conditions.
So some anti aging skin care products are based on the derivatives of vitamin C, which are more stable and less expensive. However, the effectiveness of such anti aging skin care is not as much as it is for vitamin C based anti aging skin care products.
In conjunction with the C vitamin, vitamin E and lipoic acids have been proven effective as anti oxidants. Liponic acid possesses elements that retard signs of aging and is active in repairing damage caused by the process of aging. Vitamin E is an excellent resistance builder and infection fighter. Because it is a fat soluble anti oxidant, it has also proven effective against cancer.
The next category within anti aging skin care products are those known as phytochemicals. Extracted from plants, phytochemicals are special chemicals that are found in a wide variety of products on the market. When it comes to preventing prostate, breast and colon cancer, phytochemicals have proven to be an effective ingredient. Due to the anti cancer properties phytochemicals possess, most all of the better anti aging treatments will contain this element.
Along with collagens and phytochemicals, look for ingredients such as B12, B6 and B5 to be contained within popular anti aging products.
The arena of skin care products for anti aging is wide spread and there is still much information that is yet to be discovered. Today's products for anti aging are considered effective yet there are still hurdles to cross. The overall hope is that with more research, even more effective products will be the result along with a significant reduction in treatment prices.
However, anti aging skin care products should be used only as a supplement to the natural ways of skin and body care. So, drinking a lot of water, getting a good night sleep, exercising regularly, maintaining healthy eating habits and keeping stress at bay are essential means of delaying the aging process. No anti aging skin care product can replace them really.
Author : R K Reid

Coffee and Your Health

As coffee consumption has continually been on the rise in the United States, the questions are being asked about the importance coffee has when it comes to our health. As the popularity of coffee has risen so has the research of the benefits of this product as to the effects it may have on many aspects of it keeping us healthy.
We all know and have heard the power of antioxidants. Tannins and antioxidants appear naturally in coffee, and these are well known to fight free radicals and other assaults on the body. Having these properties, coffee may reduce the risk of asthma attacks.
Antioxidants are chemical compounds that protect the body s cells from the damaging effects of oxidation. They help support the immune system, and consequently may reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. The caffeine in coffee helps to improve circulation within the heart and arteries.
In recent studies it has also been shown that coffee may reduce the risk of gallstones by 45 and cirrhosis of the liver by 80 . Although the studies have shown the existence of a relationship with coffee consumption and liver cirrhosis, it has not proven or determined the component in coffee that is responsible for producing this effect.
Another benefit of coffee is a 25 reduction in the onset of asthma attacks among many asthma suffers. Asthma is a chronic disease that causes airways to close due to inflammation , resulting in coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and tightness in the chest. Theophylline is a component that is found in coffee that acts as a bronchodilator which lessens theses symptoms.
Have you ever had one of those stressful headaches that can last throughout the day? It could be caused by a stress at work or by just not getting enough sleep. Well it has now been shown that coffee can play a big role in getting rid of theses headaches. Even now you can go to any drugstore and go to the pain reliever aisle and found many of the over the counter pain relievers contain caffeine just for this purpose. So have that cup of coffee and relax.
One of the most recent studies of coffee is that the shows the relationship of coffee and diabetes. This is study has excited many of us that are diabetics and coffee lovers. There is more and more evidence that the love affair with coffee is helping reduce the risk of diabetes. In a newly published study, drinking caffeinated coffee was found to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes as much as 60 . A Finnish study in 2004, suggested a 30 reduction in type 2 diabetes risk among people who drank three to four cups of coffee a day.
Women in the study who drank 10 or more cups a day showed a 79 reduction in the risk.
So what is the amount of coffee should we drink in a day. Well for many of us who love coffee there is just know way of knowing when to stop. But many doctors suggest that three to four cups a day is considered reasonable and a moderate amount. Just keep in mind that an 8 oz cup of coffee contains about 75 mg of caffeine and it usually recommended to not to exceed 300 mg per day.
Author : Rick White

What You Should Know Before You Buy Any Skin Care Treatment

Simply put, there is no such thing as the best product for skin care. Due to the fact that skin care products work in a unique way for each skin type, the claim of being the best skin product is simply untrue. As the saying goes, what works well for one person may reek havoc for another.
A much better way of thinking would be to consider what skin care product is best for your skin type. While this is a better way of thinking, there are still more points to consider. For example, individuals are often categorized into different groups depending on whether they have oily skin, normal skin, sensitive skin or dry skin.
However, this classification is just too broad to be used definitively in determining the best skin care product. We can say best skin care product for a dry skin or best skin care product for an oily skin are better statements than just best skin care product. But really, that is what it is better is still not accurate.
Now that you understand the basics, the real question you should be asking yourself is "What's the best skin care product for me?" Unfortunately, this is a difficult question to answer. However, if you put in a bit of effort and take some time and do your research, you can find the best skin care product for you.
First of all, you need to understand how the skin care products work. This is simple. You can consider all skin care products to be composed of 2 types of ingredients Active and inactive. The active ingredients are the ones that actually work on your skin.
The primary purpose of the inactive ingredients is to aid in the delivery of the active ingredients to your skin. Both active and inactive ingredients should work in unsion to make the product effective and useful for your skin. Besides the ingredients, the way you apply your skin care products is equally important. In fact, this is even more important. If you do not know how to apply skin care products, you might forever be hunting for the best skin care product for yourself, when that has already passed you.
Finally, you need to establish the amount of skin care product you should apply to your skin. Environmental factors such as humidity, temperature and pollution levels can also have an affect when it comes to choosing the right skin care product for you.
Author : R K Reid

Kinds Of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases are those that are pass on through any sort of sexual contact. This includes homosexual and heterosexual contact and does not basically involve penetration. This category of diseases, known as STDs in short, includes any infection increase by having sex. STDs comprise of gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV (the AIDS virus), chlamydia, trichomoniasis, herpes, pubic lice, and genital warts. Lots of sexually transmitted diseases can be cured with the help of treatment. If not treated, nevertheless, some of these diseases can cause infertility. Others ultimately can be incurable. We cannot tell by looking whether someone has an STD, and lots of people do not recognize that they are infected.

STDs can simply spread through any person-to-person move of bodily fluids such as semen, vaginal secretions, or blood. When someone has a sexually transmitted disease, anyone who has sex with that individual stands a good chance of fetching the infection. Thus, having sex with multiple partners carries a superior threat of disease than staying faithful to a spouse or enduring partner. Even a monogamous relationship isn't inevitably risk-free, however, since one partner could be carrying an infection picked up during a earlier sexual encounter.

Lots of sexually transmitted diseases are extremely infectious. For example, if a man has gonorrhea, a woman who has sex with him even once stands an 80% to 90% possibility of getting infected. If the man has gonorrhea plus chlamydia, as commonly takes place, the woman could be infected with both diseases at the similar time. Vaginal Inte*cou*se is the most common route to STD infection. However, other vital routes include anal sex, oral s**, sexual abuse of children, and mother-to-baby infection during childbirth.

Sexually transmitted disease weakens the immune system, so a person infected with one STD has a greater threat of acquiring other infections. Regrettably, recuperating from an STD does not make a person protected. Anyone who has had a particular STD is still at risk of getting it for a second time. Men are more likely to show obvious symptoms of STDs. Symptoms in women may not be as clear, and the problem could be misdiagnosed, many women infected with certain types of STDs have no early symptoms at all and may unknowingly infect sexual partner(s).

In the past, gay men have shown to have an above-average rate of infection with STDs. This is mostly credited to promiscuity and may have declined in retort to the AIDS epidemic. Furthermore, some men are secretly bisexual. If a man picks up an STD from a homosexual encounter, he may then pass the infection on to innocent heterosexual partners. Lesbians have a lower-than-average risk for STDs, since most sexually acquired diseases are not easily spread from woman to woman

Over a lifetime, the body can host many different kinds of microorganisms including those that cause sexually transmitted diseases. There are three kinds of STDs bacterial, viral, and bugs. Bacterial STDs are transitory which means they will respond to medication and can be removed out of our system. However, if they remain unprocessed they can cause extremely serious harm. Bacterial STDs include gonorrhea, bacteria which can cause infertility, arthritis, heart disease, blindness, damage to the urinary tract, and damage to an unborn child.

Viral STDs are everlasting. Once anyone acquires it, it stays in our system forever. Some can outcome in cervical cancer. Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) lives in nerves at the base of the spine and leads to painful blisters, mostly on the vulva and in the mouth. Sexually transmitted skin infections are caused by tiny bugs known asarthropods. Using pesticides will effortlessly help us get rid of them. Author : jenifer hobson

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hair Loss

Finding the Right Hair Growth Treatment
By Jackie Johnson
Published 02/13/2009
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When you are losing your hair, you are probably looking for something that will control the hair loss and begin to grow your hair back again Losing your hair can be quite devastating and it is an issue that has confounded people for thousands of years
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Ordering Propecia Online is a Pain-Free Experience
By Michael Connelly
Published 02/6/2009
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A discussion on the advantages of ordering hair growth products like Propecia online.
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Work with your Doctor to Find a Hair Loss Solution
By Keith Londrie
Published 02/6/2009
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If you are looking for a hair loss solution that is going to be effective, you may want to start out by visiting a doctor. You can contact your family physician to schedule a visit or to get a referal to a dermatologist.
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Hair Loss Remedies for Your Specific Type of Baldness
By Keith Londrie
Published 02/6/2009
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There are many hair loss remedies that one can try today. Though some of them have been proven to be more effective, all of them have worked at one time or the next. Depending on your genetic makeup, and your reason for experiencing hair loss, one product may work better than another.
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Hairpieces for a Younger, More Fashionable You!
By Trevor Mulholland
Published 02/6/2009
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Purchase hairpieces, show the world you don\'t just have to be young on the inside - you can be young on the outside, too!
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Over the Counter and Prescribed Hair Loss Medication
By Keith Londrie
Published 02/6/2009
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Hair loss medication has become a popular product over the past 10 years. People are beginning to take a bigger interest in their physical appearance.
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Ladies, There's No Need to Fear Female Hair Loss!
By Trevor Mulholland
Published 02/6/2009
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Female hair loss is not as uncommon as one may think. And if men are concerned that their looks will be affected by hair loss - how much more would women be, in the looks-conscious world of cosmetics and high fashion?
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Coping With Male Hair Loss
By Trevor Mulholland
Published 02/6/2009
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Should you or anyone you know experience hair loss - it\'s important to bear in mind that it\'s not the end of the world. Coping with male hair loss doesn\'t mean you have to take it sitting down!
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Skin Care and Chicken Pox

You remember that horrible week when your friend came down with the chicken pox in first grade. You just knew that you would be next, and indeed you were. It started with just a couple of red dots on your arm, and by the time you woke up the next morning, you were covered in them, and certainly itchy. Your mother went right to work with a strict skin care regimen to help you out with your chicken pox. The idea was to make sure that the chicken pox didn't become more virulent than they already were, but at the same time to make you feel less itchy.

If the skin care regimen worked like it was supposed to, you wouldn't scratch your chicken pox, and thus the chances of you having scars left over would become considerably lower. So, the first thing that your mother did in the way of skin care was to get a couple of clean, cold face cloths and submerge them in cool water. Next, she made you lie down in the tub, and put the cloths on the areas of your body where the chicken pox were the worst. The reason for this was that the cool water would lessen the redness, while at the same time taking away some of the discomfort.

This process was repeated a couple of times, over a period of about forty-five minutes. Then, she dried you off and let you go take a nap. The funny thing about having chicken pox for you was that despite feeling a bit more tired than usual (which came from your body being busy fighting off the infection) you felt just fine. You were fascinated by your spotty appearance, and had fun taking the week off from school. However, the chicken pox were not your friends, and the idea was to get rid of them, not let them get any worse. You mother took you to the doctor, and he said that is was a good thing that you didn't end up with chicken pox on the inside of your body as well as the outside, because that could lead to dangerous side effects. Your mother knew that the final step in the skin care regimen for your chicken pox was to help them start to dry up. You'd know when you were "in the clear" so to speak when the chicken pox turned into scabs and they dropped off.
So, she made you get in a lukewarm bath, and she began pouring in something extra. You wondered if you were going to have a bubble bath, but your mother said no, you were going to have an oatmeal bath. An oatmeal bath? Isn't oatmeal just supposed to be for eating? Your mother said that yes, it usually was, but when a person gets the chicken pox, the oatmeal can help dry them up and make them go away. You were pretty happy that you didn't feel itchy anymore. The bath worked, because in a couple of days you were back to school and chicken pox free.

Fast Yet Easy Chickenpox Relief and Remedies

Chickenpox, a highly contagious viral disease characterized by the appearance of itchy blisters all over the body, is not something to be worried about. Since it doesn’t really do much damage aside from the risk of scarring, chickenpox can be very irritating especially for young children. It is however important to be aware of how to cure this infection in the shortest time possible.

What most pediatricians and dermatologists would recommend for chickenpox relief is to apply calamine lotion to all affected areas two to three times a day. The two main active ingredients in these lotions, zinc oxide and ferric oxide, are very effective in relieving the itchiness of irritated skin. Pay special attention to the pinkish colors of these compounds as they have a tendency to stain clothing. It is therefore advisable to wear clean, breathable, and unwanted clothes for the duration of your treatment.

You can also take antihistamines to reduce the itchiness. These medications are usually available in capsule form for adults and in flavored syrups for children. The fruity taste makes it a lot easier for the younger children to consume this medicine. Another easy way of providing chickenpox relief is to take a bath in warm water combined with a dosage sodium bicarbonate before going to bed at night.

Years ago, people mistakenly believed that if a person had chickenpox, then bathing wasn’t allowed until the blisters were all dried up. The truth is that a daily bath is essential in boosting the healing process. When taking a bath, try avoiding scrubbing too hard to prevent the opening up the scabs which may lead to scarring.

For unknown reasons, chickenpox affects people in varying degrees. Sometimes the blistery spots are concentrated on only one area of the body, like the face or the torso. In other cases, the entire body is covered with hundreds of tiny itchy spots. Still, there are few fortunate people who only contract a mild spattering of blisters that seem to heal quite quickly. Similarly, people react to the disease based on their own personalities. Some don't mind the rashes at all while others think about it constantly.The approach to dealing with chickenpox is to take medications as instructed, apply the lotion, and try to forget that the spots are there. The itchiness may be unbearable at times, however the more you think about them, the more you will think about scratching them. Seek a positive form of diversion to keep your mind occupied and at ease.

BANANAS (Amazing fruit)

This is interesting.
After reading this, you'll never look at a banana in the same way again.
Bananas contain three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes. But energy isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.


Diabetes is a chronic disease, which occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces.
This leads to an increased concentration of glucose in the blood (hyperglycaemia).
Type 1 diabetes (previously known as insulin-dependent or childhood-onset diabetes) is characterized by a lack of insulin production.
Type 2 diabetes (formerly called non-insulin-dependent or adult-onset diabetes) is caused by the body’s ineffective use of insulin. It often results from excess body weight and physical inactivity.
Gestational diabetes is hyperglycaemia that is first recognized during pregnancy.

Office Exercise - How To Burn Calories While You Work?

Work at a desk all day? Don't take it sitting down. Make office exercise — from fitness breaks to walking meetings — part of your routine.If you're doing your best to set aside time for exercise either before work or after work, good for you.
But finding time to exercise can be a challenge for anyone with a busy schedule.
Why not work but while you're at work?Sure, you know you can park at the far end of the parking lot and take the stairs instead of the elevator.
These are great ideas, but there's even more you can do to burn calories during your workday — especially if you sit at a desk most of the day. Consider 10 creative ways to make office exercise part of your routine:Make the most of your commute. Walk or bike to work. If you ride the bus, get off a few blocks early and walk the rest of the way.Look for opportunities to stand.
You'll burn more calories standing than sitting. Try a standing desk, or improvise with a high table or counter.
Eat lunch standing up. Trade instant messaging and phone calls for walks to other desks or offices.Take fitness breaks. Rather than hanging out in the lounge with coffee or a snack, take a brisk walk or do some gentle stretching.
Pull your chin toward your chest until you feel a stretch along the back of your neck, or slowly bring your shoulders up toward your ears.
Get social. Organize a lunchtime walking group. You might be surrounded by people who are ready to lace up their walking shoes — and hold each other accountable for regular exercise. Enjoy the camaraderie, and offer encouragement to one another when the going gets tough.Conduct meetings on the go. When it's practical, schedule walking meetings or brainstorming sessions. Do laps inside your building or, if the weather cooperates, take your walking meetings outdoors.Pick up the pace. If your job involves walking, do it faster. Take long, easy strides, and remember to breathe freely while you walk.If you travel for work, plan ahead. Exercise doesn't need to go by the wayside when you're traveling. If you're stuck in an airport waiting for a plane, grab your bags and take a brisk walk. Choose a hotel that has fitness facilities — such as treadmills, weight machines or a pool — or bring your equipment with you. Jump-ropes and resistance bands are easy to sneak into a suitcase. Of course, you can do jumping jacks, crunches and other simple exercises without any equipment at all.
Try a treadmill desk. If you're ready to take office exercise to the next level, consider a more focused walk-and-work approach. If you can comfortably position your work surface above a treadmill — with a computer screen on a stand, a keyboard on a table or a specialized treadmill-ready vertical desk — you may be able to walk while you work.
In fact, Mayo Clinic researchers estimate that overweight office workers who replace sitting computer time with walking computer time by two to three hours a day could lose 44 to 66 pounds (20 to 30 kilograms) in a year. The pace doesn't need to be brisk, nor do you need to break a sweat. The faster you walk, however, the more calories you'll burn.
Want more ideas for office exercise? Schedule a walking meeting to brainstorm ideas with your supervisors or co-workers. Remember, any physical activity counts!


Know the name of your medications.Write down a list of your medications, with their dose and frequency. This can be used as a reminder, and can be utilized if you're unable to tell medical personnel in the case of an emergency. This will be particularly useful if you see more than one doctor.
Take your medications until they're gone. This is particularly true for medications such as antibiotics. If you are prescribed two weeks worth of pills, don't stop them in a few days "because you're feeling better". These medications need to be taken for the total duration of time that they're prescribed to completely clear the infection to keep it from coming back.
Keep on taking your medications. Don't just quit if your refills run out. You or the pharmacist should call the doctor's office for a refill. Medications for most medical conditions (other than temporary conditions such as an infection) need to be continued. I have had more than a few people stop their medicines for high blood pressure or high cholesterol when the first set of refills ran out - their blood pressures and cholesterols went right back up!
In general, it is more important to take the pill than to take it at just the right time! Schedules such as "one hour before or two hours after a meal" are simply too complicated for most of us to follow. It is better in most cases to get the medication taken than to miss it all together while trying to do it "perfectly".
Try to take your medicines in conjunction with some other regular daily activity, such as that first cup of coffee, breakfast, dinner, or brushing your teeth before you go to bed. Turn this into a habit that is to your advantage.Know what to do if you forget a dose. This is different for each different medication. Ask your pharmacist or physician.Read the label each time you get your medication to make sure that there have been no accidental changes made by the pharmacist. Look at the pills to make sure they look the same as the old ones. If you have questions about these matters, contact your pharmacist immediately.
Keep a record of any medications you may have had in the past that didn't work, or didn't agree with you. Be absolutely sure to remember any medications that caused serious reactions. Consider obtaining a bracelet that alerts people to these serious reactions (you may also list important medical conditions and medications such as diabetes and insulin).Other ways to help be sure you get your medications taken:¨ Keep a calendar near your pills. Mark down when you’ve taken them.¨ Buy a wristwatch with an alarm. Set it for when you are to take your medications.If you are on more than one medication, try and get them "synchronized" in terms of when they are refilled.Ask your physician if you can have generic medications.Watch the number of pills in your bottle and the number of times you can refill the prescription. Get refills before you run out (your doctor will appreciate it!).If you do need to call your doctor for refills, have their names and doses ready. Also, have the name and phone number of your pharmacy handy

20 Tips for Permanent Weight Loss

Permanent weight loss can be a challenge. These 20 ideas can help.Weight maintenance is much like weight loss. The principles are essentially the same: Eat healthy foods, control your portion sizes and exercise regularly. And to keep the pounds off permanently, you need to incorporate the new, healthy behaviors into your routine so that they become a natural part of your daily life.Here are 20 ideas to reinforce your healthy lifestyle and to keep you committed to permanent weight loss.
Exercise 30 to 60 minutes each day.
If time is limited, exercise for several brief periods throughout the day — for example, three 10-minute sessions rather than one 30-minute session.
Eat three healthy meals during the day, including a good breakfast. Skipping meals causes increased hunger and may lead to excessive snacking.
Focus on fruits and vegetables. Top off your morning cereal with sliced strawberries or bananas. Stir berries or peaches in yogurt or cottage cheese. Liven up your sandwiches with vegetables, such as tomato, lettuce, onion, peppers and cucumber.
Plan a family activity. Get the family together to go for a bike ride, play disc golf or kick the ball around in the yard.
Look for a distraction when you're fighting a craving. Call a friend, put on music and dance or exercise, clean the house, pull weeds in your garden, or run an errand. When your mind is occupied with something else, the cravings quickly go away.
Reward yourself. Losing weight and keeping the pounds off is a major accomplishment. Celebrate your success with nonfood rewards, such as new clothes or an outing with friends.
Walk for 10 minutes over your lunch hour or get up a few minutes earlier in the morning and go for a short walk.
Plan a week's worth of meals at a time. Make a detailed grocery list to eliminate last-minute trips to the grocery store and impulse buys.
Eat at home. People eat more food in restaurants than at home. Limit how often you eat at restaurants. If you do eat out, decide what and how much you're going to eat before you start and have the rest boxed to go.

How to Stretch Your Major Muscle Groups

Stretching safely
Stretching is a key part of your exercise program. Stretching before your workout — especially if you have tight or injured muscles — can prepare your body to exercise. Stretching after your workout promotes better range of motion of your joints. Stretching also improves your flexibility, balance and coordination.When you're stretching, keep it gentle. Breathe freely as you hold each stretch. Try not to hold your breath. Don't bounce or hold a painful stretch. Expect to feel tension while you're stretching. If you feel pain, you've gone too far.

Taking Care of Colds

A cold is uncomfortable, but it is usually just an inconvenience. Medicines normally do not fully cure a cold you can however, adopt various remedies by which you can reduce or ease your cold. Take care that occasionally cold-like symptoms may be signs of a more serious illness. Call for advice if you, have chronic respiratory problems such as asthma or lung disease, are a heavy smoker, or have other serious or chronic illness. Call for advice if symptoms worsen after 3-5 days, if symptoms don't improve or remain bothersome after 7 days, or if symptoms are not resolved after 14 days. Seek immediate assistance if cold related symptoms rapidly worsen or if you develop painful or difficult breathing, wheezing, or difficulty swallowing. Normally the below mentioned tips and prove to be quite helpful in controlling your cold.
Tips & Remedies for Colds
Raise the humidity level by sitting in the bathroom with a warm shower running or using a humidifier/vaporizer (cool mist preferred). Empty and clean daily to reduce the growth of molds.Drink lots: all fluids are good; warm fluids seem to provide the most relief. Try hot tea and hot water with lemon .
Gargle with salt water; homemade salt water (1/4 tsp salt dissolved in 8 oz of warm water, or a store version, will help relieve a sore throat.
Ear infections--There are several types of ear infections. Antibiotics are used for most, but not all, ear infections.Suck on hard candy. Hard candies are as effective as cough drops.
Try saline nose drops or sprays.
Remain up and about. Extra rest may help, but you'll generally feel better by staying moderately active. Read, do puzzles, play board games. Boredom makes you feel worse!
Some Over the counter medications may provide temporary relief, but beware of potential side effects. If you have high blood pressure, diabetes, or thyroid disease, check with your physician regarding decongestant use.
Use Vicks Vapo-Rub; even if it doesn't really Do anything, doesn't it just smell like it should be helping?

Daily Health Tasks.

Just like brushing your teeth, healthy habits should be cultivated on a daily basis. The following is a guide to daily tasks:
1. Activity should be a daily occurrence. Walk, run or jump for a minimum total of 20 minutes a day.
2. Protect your skin. Sun block should be applied on face, neck, arms and hands even in the dead of winter. It protects against climatic toxins too. Moisturize skin daily.
3. Eat fruits, vegetables, grains, low-fat dairy products and small amounts of protein. Avoid sweets and other processed foods.
4. Meditate or spend a minimum of five minutes daily in quiet time.
5. Find your spiritual self. Discover what inspires you, raises your level of consciousness, motivates you, and satisfies your soul.
6. Exercise your brain. Read, study, solve problems, and learn new skills. As does the body, the brain atrophies with lack of use.7. Hug somebody.

Will Eating After 8 p.m. Cause Weight Gain?

No, The time of day during which you choose to eat has no bearing on how your body processes food. Any extra calories you take in will be stored as fat whether you eat them at noon or midnight.
That's not to say that evening eating isn't a problem for many dieters. It's easy in the evening to snack while relaxing.
When we eat in front of the television, we aren't paying attention to what we are eating in front of the TV report feeling like they haven't eaten at all. It appears that the food eaten doesn't register all that well when we are distracted.
*Don't deny fat. Eating fat-free cookies and other treats that contain refined carbohydrates can lead to bingeing. Instead, allow yourself up to 30% of your daily calories to come from fat, particularly mono- and poly-unsaturated vegetable oils, nuts, and fish oil.
*Stay with it. More than half the dieting success stories in the survey said they applied these strategies to their diets every day.

Basic Steps To Fitness

Being Fit and Healthy is every souls dream. A healthy and fit body along with a healthy mind makes life an interesting journey and this world a heaven. Here are a few steps to achieve a healthy body.
Commit To Get FitThe first thing you need to do is commit yourself to a fitness programme. The best way to do this is join a local gym – once you've coughed up the cash, you can view it as an investment.Choosing A GymMany health clubs will be offering good deals on membership. Try to find one with a swimming pool.EquipmentYou don't have to spend a fortune on fitness gear but you should invest in a good pair of cross trainers for indoor and outdoor use. If you're going for the yoga and Pilates approach, you won't need trainers.Work It Out!Before you rush headlong into a tough workout schedule you should actually work out how fit you are and how far you've got to go.DietTry a 'fat-burning', sugar-free diet for one month. Cut out ALL sugar, cakes, biscuits, chocolate and white bread.LiquidsAre you getting enough? Water that is! If you feel that you are under performing mentally and physically or suffering from constipation, sinus problems, lethargy or depression, you may be dehydrated. The average intake of water should be eight glasses of water a day to keep the brain and internal organs functioning efficiently.Healthy ArmsHere's how to get them….Hold a dumbbell or can of beans in your right hand and rest you left knee and left hand on a chair or bench, keep left arm straight. Bend your right knee and make sure your back is parallel to the floor. Bend your right elbow up and behind you keeping it close to your torso with the palm facing in. Extend the forearm back so that the arm is straight and the upper arm is squeezed into the body. Slowly return the arm to the bent position and repeat. Use a 3-5lb weight and perform three sets of 10 to 12 reps.Healthy LegsFocus on the inner thigh muscles to get rid of the wobble. Try swimming. For lean, trim legs, do 20–60 minutes of cardiovascular exercise like running, skating or cycling at least three times per week. Cardio circuit training classes that include running and jumping are a great way to slim down the thighs. Deep stretching will also streamline any lumpy areas.And finally,Get active! Whether you can fit 10 minutes or 60 minutes into your day do something that raises your heart rate. Try brisk walking for part of your way to and from work or during your lunch hour. With the light evenings and inclement weather, get on your bike, roller blades or just your feet and just get moving!

How Fit Are You? See How You Measure Up

Ready to start a fitness program? Measure your fitness level with a simple four-part test. Then use the results to set fitness goals and track your progress.
You probably have some idea of how fit you are. But knowing the specifics can help you set fitness goals, monitor your progress and maintain your motivation. Once you know where you're starting from, you can plan where you want to go. And it's easier than you might think! Get started with the simple assessment guidelines below — based on guidelines provided by the President's Challenge, an activity program designed by the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.
Gather your tools
Generally, fitness is assessed in four key areas — aerobic fitness, muscular fitness, flexibility and body composition. To do your assessment, you'll need:
A watch that can measure seconds or a stopwatchA cloth measuring tapeA yardstickHeavy duty tapeSomeone to help you with the flexibility testYou'll also need a pencil or pen and paper to record your scores as you complete each part of the assessment. You can record your scores in a notebook or journal, or save them in a spreadsheet or another electronic format.
Check your aerobic fitness: Brisk walk
To assess your aerobic fitness, take a brisk one-mile (1.6-kilometer) walk. You can do the walk anywhere — on a trail or track, inside a shopping mall or on a treadmill. Before and after the walk, check and record your pulse in your notebook or journal.
To check your pulse over your carotid artery, place your index and third fingers on your neck to the side of your windpipe. To check your pulse at your wrist, place two fingers between the bone and the tendon over your radial artery — which is located on the thumb side of your wrist. When you feel your pulse, look at your watch and count the number of beats in 10 seconds. Multiply this number by 6 to get your heart rate per minute.
Let's say you count 15 beats in 10 seconds. Multiply 15 by 6 for a total of 90 beats per minute.
After you've recorded your pulse, note the time on your watch and walk one mile (1.6 kilometers). After you complete the walk, check your watch and record the time it took you to finish — in minutes and seconds — in your notebook or journal. Then check and record your pulse once more.
Measure muscular fitness: Push-ups
Push-ups can help you measure muscular strength. If you're just starting a fitness program, do modified push-ups on your knees. If you're already fit, do classic push-ups. For both types:
Lie facedown on the floor with your elbows bent and your palms next to your shoulders.Keeping your back straight, push up with your arms until your arms are extended.Lower your body until your chest touches the floor.Push your body upward, returning to the starting position.Count each time you return to the starting position as one push-up. Do as many push-ups as you can until you need to stop for rest. Record the number of push-ups you complete in your notebook or journal.
Assess your flexibility: Sit-and-reach test
The sit-and-reach test is a simple way to measure the flexibility of the backs of your legs, your hips and your lower back. Here's how:Place a yardstick on the floor. Secure it by placing a piece of tape across the yardstick at the 15-inch (38-centimeter) mark.Place the soles of your feet even with the mark on the yardstick.Ask a helper to place his or her hands on top of your knees to anchor them.Reach forward as far as you can, holding the position for two seconds.Note the distance you reached.Repeat the test two more times.Record the best of the three reaches.
Estimate your body composition: Waist circumference and body mass index
With a cloth measuring tape, measure your waist circumference at its smallest point — usually at the level of the navel. Record your waist circumference in inches or centimeters in your notebook or journal.
Then determine your body mass index (BMI) — an indicator of your percentage of body fat — through a BMI table or online calculator. If you'd rather do the math yourself, divide your weight in pounds by your height in inches squared and multiply by 703. Or divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared. (To determine your height in meters, divide your height in centimeters by 100). Record your BMI with the rest of your scores in your notebook or journal.
Monitor your progress
Now that you know your fitness level, keep track of your progress. Take the same measurements six weeks after you begin your exercise program and periodically afterward. Each time you repeat your assessment, celebrate your progress — and adjust your fitness goals accordingly. Show the results to your doctor or personal trainer for additional guidance.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Importance of Sexual Health

Sexuality is an integral part of being human. Love, affection, and sexual intimacy contribute to healthy relationships and individual well-being. But along with the positive aspects of our human sexuality, there also are illnesses that can affect our sexual health. In addition, irresponsible sexual behaviors can result in undesirable consequences, including unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.
An open discussion of sexuality issues is important to promoting sexual health and responsibility. More attention has been placed on sexual health since the World Health Organization (WHO) issued the following statement more than 25 years ago. WHO declared: "There exist fundamental rights for the individual, including …freedom from organic disorders, diseases, and deficiencies that interfere with sexual and reproductive function."
However, challenges to achieving this vision remain. In many cases, the underlying causes of sexual disorders continue to be poorly understood, and, often, few treatment options are available. The unwillingness of individuals to discuss their sexual problems may be the greatest barrier to achieving the WHO’s vision of sexual health and to promoting responsible sexual behavior.
What is meant by "sexual health"?
Sexual health refers to the many factors that impact sexual function and reproduction. These include a variety of physical, mental, and emotional factors. Disorders that affect any of these factors can impact a person’s physical and emotional health, as well as his or her relationships and self-image