Friday, July 31, 2009

How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy

After nine months of pregnancy one problem is face womens extra weight that have gained in nine months.Most of womens wants to lose their weight after pergnancy but it is not easy task.You want to be original figure it would also take a few months being paitent.First if you are breastfeeding you should aslo need extra calories.The calories aslo available in fruits and vegetables then oil and fat food.You should also regular exercise is best way to weight loss.Do not start an exercise program after two days giveing birth to your baby.Major changes are also in your body and you need to give it some time.It is believed that breastfeeding can help a woman shed those extra kilos, after pregnancy. So, make sure to breastfeed your baby on a regular basis. However, this alone would not help you lose all of the pregnancy weight. You need to combine it with other types of weight-loss activities, such as a healthy diet and a proper exercise program.One activities that you can start a few days after your delivery.It is advisable to stick to 10 or 15 minutes of light walk.Gradually, you can increase the time as well as intensity, taking it to no less than 45 minutes of brisk walking, on a daily basis.

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