Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Basic Steps To Fitness

Being Fit and Healthy is every souls dream. A healthy and fit body along with a healthy mind makes life an interesting journey and this world a heaven. Here are a few steps to achieve a healthy body.
Commit To Get FitThe first thing you need to do is commit yourself to a fitness programme. The best way to do this is join a local gym – once you've coughed up the cash, you can view it as an investment.Choosing A GymMany health clubs will be offering good deals on membership. Try to find one with a swimming pool.EquipmentYou don't have to spend a fortune on fitness gear but you should invest in a good pair of cross trainers for indoor and outdoor use. If you're going for the yoga and Pilates approach, you won't need trainers.Work It Out!Before you rush headlong into a tough workout schedule you should actually work out how fit you are and how far you've got to go.DietTry a 'fat-burning', sugar-free diet for one month. Cut out ALL sugar, cakes, biscuits, chocolate and white bread.LiquidsAre you getting enough? Water that is! If you feel that you are under performing mentally and physically or suffering from constipation, sinus problems, lethargy or depression, you may be dehydrated. The average intake of water should be eight glasses of water a day to keep the brain and internal organs functioning efficiently.Healthy ArmsHere's how to get them….Hold a dumbbell or can of beans in your right hand and rest you left knee and left hand on a chair or bench, keep left arm straight. Bend your right knee and make sure your back is parallel to the floor. Bend your right elbow up and behind you keeping it close to your torso with the palm facing in. Extend the forearm back so that the arm is straight and the upper arm is squeezed into the body. Slowly return the arm to the bent position and repeat. Use a 3-5lb weight and perform three sets of 10 to 12 reps.Healthy LegsFocus on the inner thigh muscles to get rid of the wobble. Try swimming. For lean, trim legs, do 20–60 minutes of cardiovascular exercise like running, skating or cycling at least three times per week. Cardio circuit training classes that include running and jumping are a great way to slim down the thighs. Deep stretching will also streamline any lumpy areas.And finally,Get active! Whether you can fit 10 minutes or 60 minutes into your day do something that raises your heart rate. Try brisk walking for part of your way to and from work or during your lunch hour. With the light evenings and inclement weather, get on your bike, roller blades or just your feet and just get moving!

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