Friday, July 31, 2009

How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy

After nine months of pregnancy one problem is face womens extra weight that have gained in nine months.Most of womens wants to lose their weight after pergnancy but it is not easy task.You want to be original figure it would also take a few months being paitent.First if you are breastfeeding you should aslo need extra calories.The calories aslo available in fruits and vegetables then oil and fat food.You should also regular exercise is best way to weight loss.Do not start an exercise program after two days giveing birth to your baby.Major changes are also in your body and you need to give it some time.It is believed that breastfeeding can help a woman shed those extra kilos, after pregnancy. So, make sure to breastfeed your baby on a regular basis. However, this alone would not help you lose all of the pregnancy weight. You need to combine it with other types of weight-loss activities, such as a healthy diet and a proper exercise program.One activities that you can start a few days after your delivery.It is advisable to stick to 10 or 15 minutes of light walk.Gradually, you can increase the time as well as intensity, taking it to no less than 45 minutes of brisk walking, on a daily basis.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Change your eating Habits and loose weights

Do easy ways to lose weight exist? Everyone knows that diet, lowering caloric intake, and exercise, increasing the number of calories you burn, combine into a formula for losing weight. But sticking to the diet is the hard part. It won’t be easy, but with a little work it sure is easier. Here are some tips to make it easier. Keep a daily log of everything that passes your lips. Writing down everything you eat and drink, even water, will help you eat less. Studies show that people who keep track of what they eat end up eating 15% less. That’s significant. On average Americans consume 245 calories a day from drinks. Switch from juice, soda, and other calorie drinks to water. 245 calories a day is nearly 90,000 calories in the course of a year. That’s 25 pounds. Water isn’t that bad, is it? Keep in mind too that juice and soda don’t trigger a feeling of fullness, despite their calories. Eat five or six smaller meals a day instead of three large meals a day. Eating more meals with smaller portions results in eating 30% fewer calories. Furthermore, even the same number of calories eaten in smaller portions during more frequent meals can result in weight loss. You’re less likely to binge because the body releases less insulin. Make sure your wardrobe only includes the ’skinny’ clothes. If you don’t have clothes that are comfortable when you’re heavier, you’re more likely to be reminded to keep slim every time you dress. And if you have to purchase a whole new wardrobe you’re less likely to gain weight. Use smaller plates. It’s proven that people eat what’s in front of them. Use the salad plates instead of dinner plates. Similar to the idea of using smaller plates, serve your food on the plate rather than in bowls on the table. When the plate is empty the meal is over, instead of spooning another portion onto your plate. Don’t eat white bread, sugar or white rice. Those foods are loaded with carbohydrates which lead to higher blood sugar and weight gain. Do eat whole grain breads and brown rice. Don’t be concerned with the sugar, pretty soon you won’t miss it. Weight loss isn’t easy, but relatively speaking there are easy ways to lose weight. Don’t think it won’t take a little work. If weight loss were easy everyone would be slim all the time.

How to Reduce Wrinkles and Look Younger

By: Roberto Bell
Would you like to reduce those worrisome fine lines on your face and look youthful again? Here are some helpful tips.As you get up there in years, certain problems are going to crop up and one of them is wrinkles. They can show up around your eyes, forehead, cheeks and neck. You can get rather depressed when you look into a mirror. Take heart, there are answers.Maybe you cannot stop time from marching on, but you can reduce the signs of the aging process and look better than ever. Here is what happens and some suggestions to follow.
Why Do You Develop Wrinkles?
As a person ages, the skin undergoes significant changes. The inner layer of the skin begins to thin and the cells begin to divide more slowly.
Fat cells begin to lessen or die beneath the dermis.The network of collagen fibers and elastin which provide a sort of scaffolding for the surface layer begin to loosen and unravel. Skin then loses its elasticity. It tends to droop and forms furrows.The oil secreting and sweat glands atrophy, and the skin cannot retain its moisture.
Therefore, it becomes dry and scaly. Constant facial expressions form characteristic lines. Gravity makes the situation worse and contributes to the formation of drooping eyelids and jowls. Also, eyebrows tend to move up as someone ages perhaps because of forehead wrinkles and the skin has less of an ability to repair itself so wounds heal more slowly.
There are other forces at play that can make your skin suffer, such as :1. The sun damages collagen fibers and causes an accumulation of abnormal elastin. Metalloproteinases, or enzymes, are produced that are able to repair most of the damage, however, it is this repetition of the rebuilding process that is done over and over again that causes skin problems.2. The sun's UV radiation promotes oxidation. This also leads to the development of skin abnormalities.3. Cigarette smoking causes the thickening and fragmentation of elastin, reduces circulation and the amount of oxygen that is supplied to the skin, and leads to less Collagen formation and reduced water content in the skin. Lastly, smoking compromises the ability of the skin to fend off free radicals causing cell destruction.4. Air pollution – Ozone may be a problem for the skin.
It may cause depletion of Vitamin E in the skin which is a vital antioxidant.5. Rapid weight loss – This can cause fine lines since it reduces the volume of fat cells which cushion the face. This will cause the skin to sag.6. Heredity – You may have inherited some skin characteristics from your parents.Wrinkles are the most noticable signs of aging. As tissues sag, these lines form a type of canvas that is covered with cracks that have varying depths. As time marches on, they deepen and reach the dermis. As the dermis loses its elasticity, it becomes slack which leads to the formation of more pronounced wrinkles over 0.05 mm in depth.Here is the normal progression of wrinkles characterized by age group:20-25 – Vertical wrinkles on one's forehead and even between the eyebrows may already be visible. Fine lines at the external edges of the eyes are not yet noticeable.25-40 – In the epidermis, wrinkles begin to deepen.
They are less than 0.0005 mm in depth. They are caused by the superficial drying out of one's skin as well as the slowing down of cellular renewal.40-50 – Fine lines around the lips, crow's feet, furrows alongside of the nose and the line between the eyebrows are all beginning to deepen. The skin loses it elasticity and the facial contours are not less well defined.50 and over – Hormonal secretions end as menopause appears and this speeds up the aging process. The skin's surface begins to modify and intermediary lines are replaced by ever deepening furrows.The older you become, the more wrinkles you get. You can minimize this damage by taking good care of your skin.Anti Aging Skin Care Treatments: here are a few promising treatments for sagging skin. There are some new wrinkle creams and topical lotions, like Avotone or Revitol, that contain natural ingredients that may help lessen this problem. For example:1. Argireline - this is a safer alternative to Botox. It is not derived from any poisonous substance, but from naturally occurring amino acids. This element relaxes facial tension because it is able to reduce the excessive release of neurotransmitters which are also known as catecholamines. These make your facial muscles become tense. If your muscles are not tense, they do not contribute to wrinkles. Also, it may slow down the degeneration of elastin and collagen which normally occurs with aging.2. Dermox SRC - this is a specially tested serum that helps to control wrinkles, increases the synthesis of collagen, and restores the skin's surface.3. DMAE - it has been indicated that this antioxidant is able to function as a cell membrane stabilizing agent. It reinforces the skin's foundation of elastin and collagen, makes cells live longer, and helps avoid cell dehydration. It may also assist in the healing of scars, which includes acne scars, and helps to flush out excessive lipofuscin from skin cells reducing age spots.How Can You Minimize Fine Lines and Wrinkles?There are many things you can do to reduce the wrinkles that you already have and minimize future occurences. These include:Stay out of the sunAvoid smokingUse a very good topical anti-wrinkle creamDrink plenty of waterEat plenty of vegetables and fruitsExerciseBy following these steps regularly, you will be taking important actions to help maintain a youthful appearance while reducing the onset of aging skin.

Dark Circles Under Eyes to Turn into Shining Bright Eyes

Dark circles under eyes immediately start disappearing turning them into shining bright eyes as the eyebrows get raised naturally and lift the eyelids further up and lock them there.
The skin under the eye is thinner than the rest of the skin around. Hence the veins under it give it a blue tinge appearing as dark circles there.
Also the skin under the eye is affected more by the sun tanning.
Rubbing or scratching the eye darkens the skin under the eyes as well.
Medications causing the blood vessels to dilate also pronounce these dark patches.
Lack of nutrition discolors this area too.
Lack of sleep or excessive fatigue turns skin pale and shows these dark patches more.
Pregnancy and menstruation also accentuate the dark under eye circles.
Age sags the skin, drooping the eyelids and generating bags over there. The dark circles start showing even more than before.
But the way we have been going through our previous posts not only lifts-up the drooping eyelids, removes the excess eyelid skin along with the excess fat-tissue, removes dark circles under eyes, and turns back the eyelids that have gone turned-in or turned-out; but also gets a total facelift for you without going for an anti aging eye cream or an anti wrinkle eye cream, or any surgical procedure.Just open your eyes FULL in their TOTAL WIDTH by putting a slight smile on your lips, and you will have got the two bright eyes on your face!And then this only is the right way you should always open your eyes in while you are awake.
If you are really interested in and really curious about whatever you are looking at, it automatically happens so.We do need looking into this interest and curiosity thing further in its depth and we’ll certainly come out with many more pearls of biological wisdom from there.